TNQ Drought Hub
James Cook University Australia

Sandpit to Seed funding enhances AI projects for land managers

Key takeaways

  • Sandpit to Seed is a fund designed to support the development of Proof of Concept, Prototype or Minimum Viable Product projects.
  • EcoSprAI uses AI-driven image analysis and GIS mapping to revolutionise spraying practices
  • BeefVantage is an artificial intelligence chatbot that will provide beef producers with tailored, actionable advice through humanlike responses to questions and prompts
  • TNQ Drought Hub partnered with James Cook University to deliver the funding 

Throughout 2024, the TNQ Drought Hub partnered with James Cook University (JCU) to deliver Sandpit to Seed – a fund designed to support the development of Proof of Concept, Prototype or Minimum Viable Product projects.

The fund focused on JCU researchers working on an innovative idea or research outcome aimed at enhancing the sustainability of the agriculture and food industry in Tropical North Queensland, directly benefiting the region’s producers and farmers. Two projects were selected;


EcoSprAI, is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that uses AI-driven image analysis and GIS mapping to revolutionise spraying practices. By integrating aerial and satellite images, EcoSprAI detects and maps weeds like Prickly Acacia, providing tailored recommendations for chemical application. This precision ensures that only target areas are treated, reducing chemical use, labour costs, and operational inefficiencies, while supporting scalable solutions for large-scale farming operations.


BeefVantage is an artificial intelligence chatbot that leverages cutting-edge AI and natural language processing to provide beef producers with tailored, actionable advice through humanlike responses to questions and prompts. Using only trusted sources, BeefVantage has the potential to revolutionise how producers access and engage with knowledge, encouraging greater curiosity, problem-solving, and exploration of innovative solutions —ultimately enabling more productive, resilient, and sustainable operations.

As the projects conclude at the end of 2024, comprehensive reports will outline their outcomes, highlighting future opportunities, real-world applications, and pathways for growth and innovation within the agricultural industry.

EcoSprAI aims to revolutionalise spraying practices
BeefVantage will provide beef producers with tailored, actionable advice