The Tropical North Queensland Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub is paving the way to deliver drought resilience activities in tropical north Queensland in partnership with James Cook University (JCU).
The TNQ Drought Hub recently offered 2024 scholarship opportunities for students within the TNQ Hub region who are interested in undertaking an Honours project in 2024 on a topic that is aligned to the TNQ Drought Hub priorities.
The TNQ Drought Hub priorities encompass drought and climate change adaptation, land management, innovation, and technology, enhancing skills and human capacity, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait agricultural enterprise. These priorities will help guide the key challenges and opportunities for agricultural businesses, their towns and communities and regions within Tropical North Queensland to build drought resilience and preparedness.
The scholarships are up to the value $5,000 for full-time students. The successful students will be passionate about building resilience and drought preparedness in agriculture and associated industries.
The TNQ Drought Hub is pleased to announce the names and provide the research abstracts of the James Cook University students that are being awarded scholarship funding to support their drought resilience research.
Students were asked to submit their research topic and discuss how it aligned with the TNQ Hub priorities to ensure it would contribute to the current and future agricultural needs of Tropical North Queensland.
As part of their scholarship milestones, students will be providing summary reports/videos and overviews of any identified practical applications that can be shared with the sector and industry representatives.
Keywords: Rural mental health services, Access gap, Drought and farming, Preparedness and resilience, Qualitative research
Keywords: Faecal seeding, Desmanthus legume, Hard vs scarified seed, Gastrointestinal survival, Drought resilience
Keywords: Mental health professionals, Extreme weather events, Environmental trauma, Training and preparedness, Community resilience
Keywords: Drought, Mental health, Rural Queensland, Depression rates, Resilience
Keywords: Enhanced weathering, Soil acidity, Carbon dioxide removal, Alkaline minerals, Tropical agricultural soils
Keywords: Drones, Digital Terrain Models, Erosion, Gullies, Hydrology
Keywords: Water management, Social identity, Rural-urban division, Resource access, Equity
Keywords: Sensor Technology, Invertebrate Diversity, Biodiversity, Indicator Species, Agricultural Land
Keywords: Hydrological Modelling, Savanna Rangeland, Alluvial Gully, Runoff, Rainfall
Keywords: Restoration Techniques, Land Cover, Soil Properties, Vegetation Reestablishment, Ground Cover Change
Keywords: Enhanced weathering, Basalt, Carbon sequestration, Bicarbonate, Soil pH
Keywords: Bush food, Indigenous, Economic development, Climate change, Traditional knowledge
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