TNQ Drought Hub
James Cook University Australia

Cape York Node

Cape York NRM is the shopfront for the Cape York Node and their mission is to help people work to care for the natural environment while promoting the sustainable use of natural resources in Cape York Peninsula.

The Cape York NRM region (137,000 km2) extends north from the Mitchell River catchment to ‘The Tip’ of Cape York Peninsula. It encompasses diverse landscapes including 16 complete river basins with their systems virtually unmodified (the Annan River being the exception). 

The region contains 30 broad vegetation groups including 72 different types of rainforest comprising 20% of Australia’s remaining rainforest.  

Cape York Natural Resource Management (NRM) Ltd is a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity, with a mission to help people work to care for the natural environment while promoting the sustainable use of natural resources in Cape York Peninsula.

The priorities that guide the work of the group have grown through extensive community engagement.  The organisation is involved with partnerships across Cape York, and through these relationships, implement activities based on principles of sustainable development, capacity building, project support and development, and regional coordination and planning.

Cape York NRM also works to protect threatened plant and animal species, improve fire management on the Cape and build Traditional Owner land management and coordination capacity. Click here to view their regional priorities. 

If you have any questions relating to drought resilience activities in the Tropical North region, please feel free to contact the Drought Resilience Officer.


Photo Credit: Cape York NRM

Cape York Natural Resource Management (NRM) Ltd is a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity, with a mission to help people work to care for the natural environment while promoting the sustainable use of natural resources in Cape York Peninsula.

The priorities that guide the work of the group have grown through extensive community engagement.  The organisation is involved with partnerships across Cape York, and through these relationships, implement activities based on principles of sustainable development, capacity building, project support and development, and regional coordination and planning.

Cape York NRM also works to protect threatened plant and animal species, improve fire management on the Cape and build Traditional Owner land management and coordination capacity. Click here to view their regional priorities. 

If you have any questions relating to drought resilience activities in the Tropical North region, please feel free to contact the Drought Resilience Officer.

Jayme Burkett

Drought Resilience coordinator