TNQ Drought Hub
James Cook University Australia

National Agriculture Day 2024

On 15 November, we celebrated National Agriculture Day.

The day is an annual celebration to highlight the critical role agriculture plays in the Australia’s economy, environment, and communities. It recognises the contributions of farmers, agricultural workers, and the broader supply chain, from paddock to plate.

In honor of those who feed and clothe our nation, we asked the team what agriculture means to them. We had many beautiful and personal answers, and the one theme came up time and again was a deep sense of connection to community and land.

Our Director David Phelps even put together a poem with his reflections.

What agriculture means to me

“Family and friends
Heat and dust and flies
The smell of the first storm
Flood waters bringing life to a dry parched plain
Pulling on the rein
Soft hands after a week of classing wool
The smell of sheep, wool and wet dogs at shearing
The clatter of cattle up the race
A road train full of beef
Headlands from the plough
A chaser bin full of wheat
And my family and friends”