TNQ Drought Hub
James Cook University Australia

Newsletter #3

This past month has seen the first meetings with the Node Leaders, beginning with the Gulf Savannah Node led by the Gulf Savannah NRM (formerly Northern Gulf Resource Management Group, then with the Burdekin Node (led by NQ Dry Tropics), Gulf of Carpentaria Node (led by Southern Gulf NRM), the Mackay/Whitsundays Node (led by Reef Catchments) and the Fitzroy Node (led by Fitzroy Basin Association. 

These initial conversations with Node Leaders was a key step towards identifying some priority areas as we move into the co-design process. This co-design phase is where we will bring the broader community together through planning and collaboration sessions starting in November and continuing through into early 2022.

We have also in the past couple of days gone to market with recruitment of both the Director of the TNQ Drought Hub and for the Independent Chair of the TNQ Drought Hub Steering Committee.

As the Interim Director, I felt it was important to advertise the Director position to ensure that the now established Steering Committee had the opportunity to recruit transparently for the position.

The next few weeks see’s the team bringing together the draft Operational Plan to meet the Federal Hub’s second milestone in mid-November. This will be followed by a co-design/co-production planning day on November 16th at the JCU Ideas Lab in Cairns, to which you should have received an invitation to by now.

As we quickly approach Christmas, we are looking forward to our final activities for this year, but also to continuing the co-design process early next year.

Dan Christie, Interim Director

Know someone who wants to be involved?

Whats Next?

16th November 2021

Network Partner's co-design/co-production planning day, JCU Ideas Lab

30th November 2021

Hub Team and Node Planning Day, Cairns

TNQ Hub (Wet Tropics Node)

Second Indigenous Local Government Disaster Resilience Forum

Simon and Rachel attended the Second Indigenous Local Government Disaster Resilience Forum Thursday 7 October 2021in Cairns.  It was interesting to hear about the water and food security issues in the Cape and what is being done to solve them and about solar security lights, solar drinking water solutions and the action plans and regional reslience strategies.  the highlight for me was listening to the local Coppa (self titled) and the Defence Force activity about disaster management and planning.  The facilitator for the day was TNQ Drought Hub Sustainable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Enterprise Activity Lead Dr Allan Dale.

Fly in Morning Tea at Donnington Airfield

Rachel and Simon attended the Fly in Morning Tea at Donnington Airfield to introduce the TNQ Drought Hub to the local Burdekin Node community.  There was around 30 people in attendance and we were able to talk directly to 12 producers on the day.  Questions were plenty and directed at property mapping, reducing wooded forests for grazing and horticulture. Generally, the hub was positively received and the group looks forward to talking more with Node Leader NQ Dry Tropics.

TNQ Drought Hub Nodes

1 TNQ Hub Cairns
   James Cook University
2 Tropical North node
   Northern Gulf Resource Management Group Ltd
3 Gulf of Carpentaria node
   Southern Gulf Natural Resource Management Ltd
4 Fitzroy node
   Fitzroy Basin Association
5 Mackay and Whitsundays node
   Reef Catchments (Mackay Whitsundays Isaac) Ltd
6 Burdekin node
   NQ Dry Tropics Ltd

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