TNQ Drought Hub
James Cook University Australia

June AgTech Insights

Welcome back to AgTech Insights! We continue to explore the latest developments, news, and opportunities in agricultural technology to enhance the resilience of ag in TNQ.

Awards and Recognition

  • The 2024 Australian Agritech Awards celebrated outstanding innovation this June. Congratulations to all the finalists: Agronomeye, BioScout, Cibo Labs, CropScanAg, FarmLab, FieldMicro, Goanna Ag, Grainstone, Hone Corporation, INCYT, InvertiGro, Mobble, Optiweigh, Pairtree Intelligence, PyroAg, Rainstick, Sapien Technology, Stoktake, Whole., WiseConn, ZoomAgri.

Startups and Growth Initiatives

Carrie-Ann Wilson

Knowledge Adoption Officer

AI in Weed Detection

Future Ag Scenarios

  • CSIRO’s recent webinar on Ag2050 Scenarios discussed several future scenarios for Australian agriculture. The discussions underscored the potential shift towards multi-purpose automation kits over single-purpose solutions and the anticipated ubiquity and user-friendliness of robotics. A key takeaway was the need for enhanced partnerships to facilitate the adoption of science and technology in agriculture. This involves a collaborative approach from the onset to distribute the adoption burden more equitably across stakeholders, ensuring that producers are not overwhelmed. Read the Ag2050 Scenarios Report.

AI and the Future of Work

  • Ethan Mollick provides insights into the evolving landscape of AI in the workplace, emphasising the gradual adaptation of jobs and systems to technological advances. His perspectives are detailed in the book “Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI.” (available as a book or audiobook).

Content Highlights

  • Recent articles from Tenacious Ventures Insights cover interesting themes in agtech including strategic horizon scanning, systemic challenges in agtech innovation, AI integration in agtech software, and the balance between trust and skepticism in agtech. These discussions reflect the complex landscape of agtech development and implementation. For more, visit their insights page.

The TNQ Drought Hub in no way endorse the products highlighted in the AgTech Insights and that consumers should conduct their own due diligence.