An information session to help graziers understand the requirements for beef cattle grazing in the Great Barrier Reef regions
Regulated minimum practice standards for beef cattle grazing will commence in the Wet Tropics, Mackay Whitsunday and Burnett Mary regions from 1 December 2022. If you’re a grazier in one of these regions, you will need to comply with minimum practice standards from this date.
The minimum practice standards have already commenced in the Burdekin and Fitzroy regions.
This information session will help you understand the requirements for beef cattle grazing in the Great Barrier Reef regions and will explain what you need to do to comply.
Once you register, you will be sent an email from Eventbrite with links and information on how to join the online Zoom session. If you don’t receive this email, please check your junk folder.
For further information on the requirements, please visit:
Please contact if you need help to register or have any queries about this event.
[Note: event capacity will be set at 50 people. If we get close to this number, we will schedule another session, and provide further details on our website.]
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