Industry information day and site visit: Leucaena and sown pastures for north Qld extensive beef production systems.
An event for beef industry participants (non-producers) wanting to know more about leucaena and the latest sown pasture options for north Qld.
Learn about:
Presented by Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries in collaboration with The Leucaena Network and Meat and Livestock Australia
Location: Pinnarendi Station (approx. 52 km south-west of Mt Garnet on the Kenendy Hwy), Meet at yards on left about 700 m in from property entrance. Post-lunch visit to pasture trial site on Whitewater Station (take Undara turnoff, continue about 500 m then through gate on right)
RSVP: Wednesday 15 June, Craig Lemin,0467 804 870
Light lunch provided at Pinnarendi Station cafe
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