This three-part series has been developed based on local industry feedback to address the main sticking points agribusinesses have when it comes to building a strong workforce.
We have industry experts from across Australia participating to discuss the following topics:
Workplace Relations 101 – register here.
Improving business performance through people development – register here.
Workplace Health & Safety 101 – register here.
The three sessions will be run over 3 weeks on a Wednesday from 12:30pm-1:30pm starting on the 2nd November 2022. There is more in-depth information on topics that will be discussed in each webinar on the registration pages linked above. Attached is a flyer with the details of dates and times.
The webinars will be followed by a short podcast series on CHRRUP’s Reset and Rethink podcast channel where we will talk about the key take-aways and questions from the webinar discussions.
This series has been funded by the Queensland Agriculture Workforce Network. QAWN is a Queensland Government funded, industry delivered initiative.
Would you like to get involved in the TNQ Hub? Do you have an upcoming event that you’d like us to attend? We’d love to hear from you! Please email