Learn how to improve your soil, reduce inputs and grow profits with Dr Christine Jones
With the cost of urea and phosphate on the rise, learning how to reduce these inputs without reducing yield makes good business sense. Join international soil health superstar, Dr. Christine Jones, for a workshop on improving soil health and function to reduce the need for inputs.
There will also be a field trip to Jennings Farm near Mareeba. Morning tea and lunch will be provided by Catering With Class.
For more information, contact Sarah on 0499 983 877 or email sarah.stevens@gulfsavannahnrm.org.
This project is funded by the Australian Government.
Dr Christine Jones is an internationally renowned and highly respected groundcover and soils ecologist. She has a wealth of experience working with innovative landholders to implement regenerative land management practices that enhance biodiversity, increase biological activity, sequester carbon, activate soil nutrient cycles, restore water balance, improve productivity and create new topsoil.
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