The Future Drought Fund (FDF) was established to provide secure, continuous funding for investments that support Australian farmers and regional communities to prepare for, and become more resilient to, the impacts of future droughts. Under the FDF, funding and investment priorities are reviewed every 4 years. A new 4-year funding cycle will commence in 2024, with new programs from 1 July 2024.
In preparation for the next 4-year funding cycle, the Australian Government is seeking your feedback on a draft Drought Resilience Funding Plan (Funding Plan), and draft Future Drought Fund Investment Strategy 2024 to 2028 (Investment Strategy). These documents were informed by stakeholder feedback to date as well as the recent Productivity Commission’s Inquiry Report into the effectiveness of the FDF.
This meeting will be held online, from 2pm to 3:30pm on Monday 4 December 2023 AEDT. A MS Teams link will be emailed to those who register.
Your feedback will shape the future direction of the FDF to ensure farmers and regional communities can access the necessary information, skills, and networks to manage drought and climate risks.
Before the meeting, we suggest you:
• read the draft Funding Plan
• read the consultation draft Investment Strategy
You may also submit your feedback via a short survey or upload a submission on the department’s website.
Would you like to get involved in the TNQ Hub? Do you have an upcoming event that you’d like us to attend? We’d love to hear from you! Please email