TNQ Drought Hub
James Cook University Australia
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Field Event: Sustainable Soil Management

March 14, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Join our field event where you will gain insights on how to maximise crop returns through improved soil health and input use efficiency.

Topics include:

  • Rotations – breaking the cropping cycle with cover crops, how to choose the right species, considerations for timing of planting, termination and termination methods.
  • Managing the cost of inputs – with a focus on nitrogen, nitrogen budgeting, the use of legumes to supply nitrogen.
  • Soil biology – its functions in the soil, practices that build it and degrade it, tools for measuring it, understanding it (including its challenges).
  • Improving soil health – reduced tillage, building soil organic matter, structure, infiltration, soil biology.

Meet the presenter:

Dr Kelvin Montagu, Soil Wealth Integrated Crop Protection (SWICP)

If you’ve got a question about cover crops or tillage, look no further than Kelvin. Kelvin works closely with growers to trial cover crops and biofumigants and examine their impacts on soil health; he also has extensive knowledge of soil biology and how growers can improve their irrigation and water management.

Get in touch:

For more information, contact:

The event will also include a light lunch. Registrations are essential. Address will be emailed closer to the event date.

This event is hosted by Soil Wealth ICP, VegNET Wide Bay BurnettPotatoLink and funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (Hort Innovation) using potato industry levies and the vegetable industry levy. 


South Kolan
South Kolan, QLD 4670 Australia + Google Map

Would you like to get involved in the TNQ Hub? Do you have an upcoming event that you’d like us to attend? We’d love to hear from you! Please email