A Festival in the desert woodlands of central Queensland.
DESERT DAZE 2022 celebrates 25 years of the Desert Uplands Committee co-operatively delivering for excellence in land stewardship and beef production.
Those who live and work in, and wish to experience and explore, or revisit the distinctive, biodiverse-rich ecologies of the timbered, red sands & spinifex country of the Desert Uplands, through field trips, tours, walks & hands-on sessions, will gather over three days at Lake Dunne and then at Pentland, with a connective roadtrip up the Aramac-Torrens Creek Road.
Desert Daze is guided tours & walks, beef production, nature, grazing, private & indigenous properties, reserves & parks; with birding, Artist-In-Residence, drone, GoPro and landscape video/photography sessions, shared dining and night entertainment.
DESERT DAZE 2022 extends strengthening regional tourism activities and events and celebrates the passion for this land by those whom it has entranced.
Further information: 0447 179 974 EM: stratford01@bigpond.com www.desertuplands.org.au
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