Graziers in the Lakeland region were recently invited to participate in a specialised property management workshop focused on strengthening their understanding of financial systems and enhancing their business efficiency.
Delivered by the TNQ Drought Hub in collaboration with Bush Agribusiness and hub Node partner Cape York NRM, the workshop delved into understanding financial aspects crucial building business sustainability.
With 15 attendees, including graziers and industry representatives, the workshop covered topics such as understanding the difference between management accounts and compliance accounts, establishing or reviewing financial systems and emphasising the importance of maintaining accurate herd records.
Attendees praised the workshop for being “helpful towards building a sustainable business”, “valuable for graziers” and “excellent content and presenter, relevant and helpful” and expressed confidence that their newfound knowledge would improve their ability to make future focused decisions.
Cape York NRM Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator, Katrina Shaw, emphasised the significance of the components presented in the workshop for successful property management, particularly in the context of drought resilience. She highlighted, “Keeping a good herd record enables you to accurately measure genetic improvement and monitor individual cow fertility and production.
“I believe if you run your business properly it will have a positive impact on sustainability. This workshop allowed people to gain knowledge on how to do so.”