TNQ Drought Hub
James Cook University Australia

Developing Northern Australia Conference, 24 – 26 July, Darwin

With the concept of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) gaining more and more traction in the agriculture industry, the hub’s Senior Research Officer, Ana Carla Leite De Almeida was invited to present at this year’s DNA Conference. Ana’s research and role within the hub has led to her developing educational materials for producers and growers to better understand the ESG framework and how it applies to their farm. These materials will be available be publicly soon.

Our Knowledge Adoption Officer, Carrie-Ann Wilson was also invited to present and share her PhD research into agtech adoption decisions. As producers try to navigate rapidly changing technological advancements, effective decision-making is required. But the complexities of the agtech market are a significant barrier. Carrie’s PhD and hub role, aim to understand and support decision-making in agtech adoption by producers.

ESG expert Ana Almedia
Knowledge Adoption Officer, Carrie-Ann Wilson